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stencil printing中文是什么意思

用"stencil printing"造句"stencil printing"怎么读"stencil printing" in a sentence


  • 大中华印刷网 镂空版印刷 ,丝网印刷、孔版印刷
  • 雕版印花
  • 腊纸油印 镂空印刷
  • 模版印刷
  • 丝网印刷术
  • 镂模印刷


  • Optimizing of parameters about stencil printing
  • Clippings from the old country - paper - cuts and stencil prints by yu ping and ren ping
  • In this process , a standard stencil printing technique is used to print solder paste directly onto silicon wafers ( figure 4 )
  • While stencil printing has a long and popular tradition in the craft of dyeing and weaving , it is rarely used in the world of art prints
  • While stencil printing has a long and popular tradition in the craft of dyeing and weaving , it is rarely used in the world of art prints
  • The best fabric for receiving stencil printing is hand - woven cotton . intrigued by the similarities between color paper - cutting and folk textile printing , they turned wholeheartedly to the creation of stencil prints
  • The best fabric for receiving stencil printing is hand - woven cotton . intrigued by the similarities between color paper - cutting and folk textile printing , they turned wholeheartedly to the creation of stencil prints
  • Images are cut into the board and then printed directly on the receiving material , usually fabric . several layers of color separation and stencil printing are used to press images onto the fabric , creating a colorful textile
  • Images are cut into the board and then printed directly on the receiving material , usually fabric . several layers of color separation and stencil printing are used to press images onto the fabric , creating a colorful textile
  • One could say that paper - cutting is the most popular , wide - spread , and regionally varied folk art in china . stencil printing uses a perforated board of non - absorbent material as a matrix such as specially treated paper or , nowadays , plastic
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"stencil printing"造句  
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